We like it when people share helpful information and we aspire to do the same. We plan to create our own guides, from years of experience of discovering what works well and overcoming pitfalls. We will also list useful websites and other material that deserves to be more widely shared. Keep checking back or join our mailing list to learn of new additions.

Our Resources:

juvo-checklist-video-2015-1-300Making a Video: tips for success

A free checklist highlighting methods and equipment to make your training films look professional. Created in a way that will help you prepare and avoid common filming pitfalls.


Recording Audio Tracks: tips for success

A free checklist walking through key points for successful audio recording, from writing a script to recommended equipment and production techniques.

Writing for Reader Engagement

A free quick guide that covers writing techniques that are known to work. First, attract the reader. Then make information easy to understand and remember. Simple?

Shared Resources:

  • How to Teach Adults
    A free e-book by Dan Spalding, released in 2013 by a Kickstarter campaign. Principally aimed at new teachers, it contains insightful information to anyone in the business of teaching adults. Includes chapters on designing your course, lesson plans, and presenting information.
    LINK: www.howtoteachadults.com


  • E-learning for Beginners
    A free e-book from Articulate that discusses how elearning can benefit your organisation, what’s involved in creating elearning and methods for measuring effectiveness. It also provides a step-by-step process fro creating courses and how to get the right content from subject matter experts.
    LINK: community.articulate.com

Websites with Learning Resources:

  • The eLearning Network
    The eLN is the number one source for guidance on best practice and future trends in technology-based learning and development at work, with over 3000 members in the UK and beyond.
    LINK: www.elearningnetwork.org


  • E-Learning Heroes
    Run by the elearning software producer Articulate, E-learning Heroes hosts an active discussion board on all aspects of elearning. It’s also a great source for articles and free downloads from Powerpoint templates to e-books.
    LINK: community.articulate.com


  • CIPD
    The CIPD website has a wealth of fact sheets providing guidance on a range of HR issues. Their factsheets include subjects like ‘Identifying Learning and Development Needs’ and creating a ‘Learning and Development Strategy’.
    LINK: www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets